
Sén - Phénix


For very cold weather (-200 C), antifreeze, concrete solidification acceleratorbetween water and cement, provides cement htdratio to be faster, lower the freezing point in cement water thus solidification is much quicker. PROFREEZE, is frost resistant but until the reaches the compressive strength of at least 5 Mpa, the temperature of the concrete must be kept 5-100 C, for this additional precautions must be taken


PROFREEZE, used to protect concrete from freezing in cold weather, PROFREEZE, accelerates reaction


ASTM C-494 Type C, TS EN 934, Table, Table 7 Public Works pose no: 04613/7


  • All Kinds of concrete.
  • Especially in cold weather pouring concrete
  • Early high-strength concretes desired..
  • Early cases that need to be molded

  • Low water / cement ratio conctere Water section 3%()
  • Accelerates solidification
  • In cold weather early concrete strength is increased.
  • Protects the concrete from freezing.(Within the technical limit)
  • Homogeneous and better quality of concrete reinforcement..
  • Does not contain chlorine. Does not damage the concrete reinforcement
  • With usage of fluıcon or PLASTICON range water reducing concrete admixtures water is reduced to 10-20%.
  • Using air voids of the concrete environmental AERMIX freeze thaw resistance is increased by the transfer.
  • Micro silica, fly ash, slag, such as additives.
  • Compatible with all cement types and classes
  • Reinforcement of concrete with steel and aynthetic


    Used for settng time of cement, aggregates, and the dosage depends on the ambient temperature and mixing ratio depending on the socket is accelerated


    Early on strength of cement hydration and reduces the time PROFREEZE provides increased by accelerating outlet.


    % Water in the mixture 3 to 6


    PROFREEZE, participate together with the mixing water during concrete mix. (The amount of water should be minimized).Also in the field, be incorpoated into the concrete mixer is 10 minutes before the casting process. Seamless as possible and should be cast without delay.

  • In the coldweather, ice and snow-free surfaces of the aggregates is not frozen and the mold should be considered.
  • Concrete must be poured in during the hottest hours of the day.
  • Temperature of the fresh concrete to be at least +50 C. If necessary, the concrete temperature patterns by the method of heating of heating of aggregates increased. 10 C to increase the temperature of the concrete, aggregate to increase the temperature of 20 C;Water temperature of 40 C increase in the concrete mix, cement, with the increased temperature of 8-100 C edilirPROFREEZE contribution to -50 C until used. The above measures should be taken as low as -150 C temperatures.


    Shall be secured in concrete poured in immediately. Sulanmamalıdır the concrete surface with cold water.


    View Amber liquid
    1.10 + 0.03 gr/cm3 density(20°C)
    pH 4.0-6.0
    Chloride 0.1 %(EN480-10)
    Alkali 3% (EN480-12)
    3-6 % mixture of water consump


    30 kg cans, 250 kg drums, 1200 kg tanks, in bulk. The original package, protected from freezing when the shelf life is 2 years. +20 C, thawed and then thoroughly mixed with water is stored in frozen product is available.